About Us

SRB 32

Services Offered


SRB Ministries offers counseling support that is designed to address and remedy real life challenges in several areas that include, but are not limited to, abuse, addictions, marriage, grief/loss, transitional support, etc. Dr. Brown is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor and Christian Life Coach. She has a team of licensed and lay counselors available to assist individuals in having a more productive life.

Life Coaching
SRB Ministries offers coaching sessions for the purpose of enabling individuals to confront life’s challenges and experience breakthroughs that are tailor-made to minister to their particular circumstances.

SRB Ministries fully endorsed God-directed mentorship and encourages the understanding of God divine connections.

Apostolic Training on the Move (ATOM)
SRB provides Apostolic Training to regions that desire to know more about the Apostolic. She especially has a heart to help train people in rural areas. Dr. Brown believes Apostles and Prophets work together in the Apostolic. Therefore, prophets accompany her to ATOM to minister as needed and as an example of how Apostles and Prophets can flow together as God intended. If you would like ATOM to come to your area, please contact us.

Click Here to Complete Our Request Form.

SRB Ministries’ mission and mandate honors “The Great Commission.” Therefore, all conferences, events and seminars are planned with careful attention. All participants will experience deliverance, inner healing and freedom to walk in their destiny. If you are interested in any of the services offered, please contact us.

Click Here to Complete Our Request Form


Shirley R. Brown Ministries (SRB Ministries) is a ministry of reconciliation, healing, deliverance and love. The ministry provides counseling, training and life coaching services as tools to support whole and healthy living. Through these services SRB Ministries will assist individuals and their families to move forward with direction. Individuals will receive care and nurturing to develop strategies that will enable them to live victorious and productive lives. SRB Ministries works to provide:
• Fellowship and Connection
• Networking with Mental and Human Health Professionals
• Resource Rich Events
• Development and Design of Educational Materials
• Training of Five-Fold Ministry leaders to be effective in the Kingdom
• Apostolic Training

Covenant Alignment

We understand that the Kingdom is inclusive of all who believe on the wonderful name of Jesus. Acts 2:44 says, “And all that believed were together, and had all things in common,” We invite you to covenant with us in our efforts to promote kingdom principles. A covenant partnership is a biblical relationship ordained by God and used to bring increase in all aspects of a Believer’s life. When you become a covenant partner, the same blessings, and anointing that rest on the ministry become available to you (Psalm 133:2). We do not take your step of faith lightly. You literally become a vital part of the ministry and we believe God for victory in every area of your life. If God is leading you to partner with Destiny or you are already a partner, prepare your heart for expectancy and remember that God “…is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20)

Office Hours

By Appointment Only

Remote Counseling Sessions Available by Request


9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm

Sunday Hours

Sunday Mornings:
11:30am Worship

Other Hours

6:30pm Strategic Prayer Teachings (Online)
7:00pm Intercessory Prayer

6:00am - 6:00pm Corporate Fast
7:00pm Enrichment Studies

Physical Address

Apostle, Dr. Shirley R. Brown

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1926
Wendell, NC 27591

Physical Address:
6600 Hallelujah Blvd.
Wendell, NC 27591
(919) 457-2218

Visitors and Guests

Today 72

Yesterday 131

Week 819

Month 1701

All 174917

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