Prophetic Ministry
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Are you interested in the prophetic? Do you have questions concerning your prophetic gifts? Are you wondering if there are other people experiencing some of the new things God is doing in your life?

If so, we would like to welcome you to prophetic classes at Destiny International Apostolic Training Center. Our class includes those just recognizing they have prophetic spiritual gifts to those who know that they walk in the Office of the Prophet. We are all learning and growing together! Just being amongst the Company of Prophets helps strengthen, encourage and sharpen us all.
We meet every first and third Wednesday of the month at Destiny at 7 pm. Our teachings are based on the Word of God and His Holy Spirit. Teaching includes, but is not limited to, the biblical foundation of prophets/seers, knowing who you are in God, possible hindrances of prophetic individuals, order, prophetic activations and more.

Feel free to contact us if you are interested in attending classes by emailing

Prophetic Ministry Upcoming Events

Office Hours

By Appointment Only

Remote Counseling Sessions Available by Request


9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm
9:30am - 3:00pm

Sunday Hours

Sunday Mornings:
11:30am Worship

Other Hours

6:30pm Strategic Prayer Teachings (Online)
7:00pm Intercessory Prayer

6:00am - 6:00pm Corporate Fast
7:00pm Enrichment Studies

Physical Address

Apostle, Dr. Shirley R. Brown

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1926
Wendell, NC 27591

Physical Address:
6600 Hallelujah Blvd.
Wendell, NC 27591
(919) 457-2218

Visitors and Guests

Today 70

Yesterday 131

Week 817

Month 1699

All 174915

Currently are 31 guests and no members online